On November 1, I threw out a book club idea suitable for lazy people, persons under house arrest, and anti-socialites based on my list of 91 books to make me smarter. Because there's no actual book club meetings, you can read at your leisure, not go outside, or actually discuss anything.
That's right. It's virtual book club, people.
But there is homework.
That's right. HOMEWORK.
Directions: Use the space provided to fill in your answers. Fill in as many answers as you choose. Click on the "submit" button at the bottom of the form when you are finished. (Click here if you can't see the form below.)
Humor me and fill out some nonsense (or non-nonsense, what have you).
Thanks to Google Docs for the seemingly-sweet hook-up on an inline form.
One year ago: Internet Cookin'. I love when I can laugh at my own writing.