Feel free to groan at the title to this post. I'm pretty sure I've seen it on a bumper sticker from Sawatdee Thai Restaurants (the only place Minnesotans eat Thai food), so I'm not the only punny one in the state of 10,000 lakes.
I'm making chai tea right now.
I'm not even a big lover o' chai, I just thought it'd be interesting to make. When I worked as a barista (best job ever, except now I'm very critical of others' job performance, mostly in how sssslllooooowww some baristas make their drinks- I mean, multi-task, peeps!), I always loved making them. They smell great (like apple cider, without the apple) and they were super-easy to make. Pour something from a box labeled "Chai", pour some milk, heat. Neat.
What I'm learning from my recipe browsing is that you make a black tea concentrate with some amalgamation of cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom, then you can go crazy and add pepper, nutmeg, allspice, cocoa and/or vanilla. THEN you combine that concentrate with an equal part of milk (it's suggested to be cream or whole milk, but I'm watchin' my girlish figure) and heat it or throw it over some ice.
I went for the hot route on the first taste. I'll throw the rest in the fridge to try out tomorrow morning. Unless you come over now and have some. I'm just sayin'.
I used this recipe from Clare Cooks! because it started with loose tea and powdered spices (which is what I had in the house). I did, however, add cardamom and nutmeg. Equal parts of all the spices. I actually measured and everything.
Gotta tell you, the homemade stuff is pretty good.
But! I will be trying some different versions. I like how this website has a bunch of chai tea variations on the theme, especially the "Very American Chai"...
Strong, sugary, and indulgent — it’s the American way.
I like all those words.
If you're looking for an instant fix, here's a very highly regarded Chai Tea recipe on allrecipes.com. It makes powdered Chai Tea, no straining (literally) involved.
Also on the docket for tonight (the After Bedtime Cooking Show): double chocolate espresso cookies. Say what!? Yes, you heard me.
Tomorrow, I'm going to blow your mind with my awesome knitting skills (NOT).