Apparently, I am the last one to jump on the pomegranate bandwagon.
Remember a few years ago when it was the new "it" superfood? Yeah, yeah, antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, cure for cancer, whatevs.
Just like my dismissal of NKOTB in fifth grade (don't worry, I found the artistry of them in high school), the availability of pomegranate juice and its touted healing powers were no lure for me.
On Sunday, however, the price of a pomegranate at Aldi was similar to Joey's siren song, "Popsicle"- irresistable.
But how do you get into a pomegranate? Let me tell you, I had no idea. So, thank you, Google! There's a bunch of people who will inform you how to crack one of these babies open. Mostly, the experts agree that you should chop a little of each end off, score the peel, and break it open in a bowl of water. Like this...
But that's no fun.
So, I chopped mine in half and made my kitchen island look like I got all Jackson Pollock on its ass.
I picked and scraped and shook the kernels (called arils, but they look like red popcorn kernels) out into a bowl and made a huge mess.
Then I ate some.
Guess who's hooked? This lady.
On ice cream? Yes.
In sangria? Okay.
[Image source: The Poor Girl, recipe from Bobby Flay]
Just eating it? Yes. As much as possible.